Funky town gore tortura. From previous descriptions I knew it was torture that included skinning, removing hands, and beheading. Funky town gore tortura

 From previous descriptions I knew it was torture that included skinning, removing hands, and beheadingFunky town gore tortura Is funk town gore truly the worst gore video

5K views. Yeah, the Guerrero beheading (father) and flaying (son) for me is worse than Funky Town. Kid climbing up a pole to touch a powerline, getting electrocuted. Torture & Cannibalism In Venezuela Prison | Auto-Cannibalism. he’s being pumped full off drugs to keep him alive, he’s in intense pain. r/PixelArt. funky town is way worse honeslty. Slavo Zes 16d ago #1129914 Found 76 Coins! First song is actually this:THE FUNKY TOWN GORE VIDEO?! WHY ISNT THE GUY DEAD YET? HIS FACE WAS RIPPE DOFF AND HIS NECK IS BEING SLIT OPEN BRO IS THE MIGHT OF ZEUS! THE PAIN IS UNIMAGINABLE! #funkytown #funkytownvideo #gore. Flaying is 10x more disturbing to watch. Man with a knife in his chest. We are simply the best gore website on the web!The most brutal and extreme gore videos in the Deep Gore Tube website are stored in this pure gore category. Cartels ONLY kill kidnappers, killers, and dealers (usually belonging to rivals. Needless to say, it is truly harrowing footage (which made me despair for humanity even more than Threads); but I found one of the most disturbing mysteries of the film to be the purported identity of the victim - that he was one of the. GoreSee is a hub for gore videos. ago. Thread starter boognishstern; Start date Sep 16, 2020; boognishstern GUNK PIMP. Cjng is what is left over from Los Zetas. 5. NSFW Funkytown. Funky town gore. Funky Town. [deleted] • 5 yr. TikTok video from Nyasome (@beastedkitty): "I know I don’t normally upload this content but I want to change it and yes I’m coming back to tiktok #fyp #Horrify #funkytown #funkytowng0re #handgestures #gore". LilBuddy67 Who me? I’m 6’10” pal! ~~Resident Blemish~~ BLUE CHECK MARK . This was the funky town victim, who had his face ripped of and tortured to death, people assume he was part of a drug cartel but he was an innocent student with a girlfriend/wife and child hate it how people are saying he might of deserved it he was an innocent student. 9. It's not the complete version but it's the one I found. Many claim that the footage was from one of the 43 students whose’s body was found without a “face or eyes”. funky town gore video. My dream as a solo dev became real: Timecop1983 joined Mega City Police with his. A Couple Of Dudes Were Stoned To Death. Maria Susana Flores Gamez – The former Miss Sinaloa beauty queen met her untimely death in a hail of gunfire on November 2012 in a rural area near Guamuchil, Sinaloa. Browse podcasts. Some guy is getting torture by, what I think is, the Mexican drug cartel. Maybe he inappropriately touched a cartel members' child since his hands were severed and "Sweet Child O'Mine" is being played. The videos in this section are graphic, so viewer discretion is. The video is almost 2 minutes and 50 seconds long. Published 1 year ago • 565K views. by admin admin July 18, 2023. TIA! Tall-Dutch-Guy • 1 yr. Finally, the assassin and the others present decide to open fire on the Victimwho dies seconds later on the spot. 0:48. 30 754 52 0. Yes, he can feel EVERYTHING happening, he was being given adrenaline to keep him alive while the torture continued. Dismembered. Brick fall off a truck and sold through the windscreen. Kittytown 1,830 views. My theory is the Government paid the cartel to get rid of them. Also known as “Z-40,” Morales reportedly executed perceived enemies of the cartel using the method of “ The Stew ,” or El Guiso. Tags. . There's been a couple videos of people getting their chest and abdomen skinned/filleted off while they're still alive. Funkytown over the years has gone on to be arguably the most infamous gore video on the internet. Mexico. After being threatened, the victim tried to flee. Young woman in a tragic accident. Duration 2min 50sec. Photo: social networks. share. 244. It's called the 'Funky Town Torture' because that's one of the songs playing in the background of it. En. El hombre con con la cara pelada y sin manos siendo brutalmente decapitado con un cuchillo en el suelo, tiene la cara toda cubierta de sangre, pero la víctima es evidente que aún esta con vida, experimentando la agonía, Después del intento de decapitación con una herramienta de jardinería la cual le estaba fallando, los sicarios le. What are the worst cartel videos that you have seen?. 1 year ago. His sexy lower half was severed by an accident. News videos. The kids went to protest the Corrupt Government and then they got stopped by a cartel. Guanajuato. Tifa Winters. cut his throat and inject him with happy juice so he feels every second of the torture and pain. His face being mutilated reminds me of what Hannibal Lector did to Mason Verger because he was a child molester. But he knows of many fellow migrants who suffered the same grisly fate as the 72 who were. [deleted] • 2 mo. #CoasterPrime #FuckedUpStuff #ReactionMy FunkyTown Reaction from SeeGore. She was doused with petroleum products and reignited three times. r/funkytowngoree: Details, facts, news and more about funky town gore. One Of The Most Disturbing Video's On The Internet. by Mr. They are protected by the ukrainian government as two parts Donetsk and luhansk want to secede from ukraine due to the neonazis. que nos muestra la cruel tortura a un joven por parte de un cartel del narcotráfico mexicano. A video showed a Mexican cartel lining up victims for a mass execution. app. Death is watching. aaet002 • 1 yr. The guy had a full erection from the adrenaline and the drugs they pumped him with to keep him alive the whole time. • 3 days ago. "Martian Cowboy" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech. And they start going at his face with knives and shit. all while several notable songs play. He also has his hands cut off, and he’s alive the whole time. 2:51. 9K views. 4 Comments. Funkytown é o mais levinho de todos os gore que eu já vi. Apparently the victim’s name was Julio César Mondragón. 6:40 AM · Jul 11, 2022. You don’t see. if you got arrested some fancy cunt (lawyer) would use it against you but with some decent reasoning (simple common morbid curiosity), it should be classified as not evidence. The Crowd Beats The Man Responsible For The Death Of A Woman. 2 629 3 1. I will warn you again, your life is better not knowing the details. But then, and this makes me want to shut the borders around EU and North America and a few Asian countries, you watch some gore videos from South America and you realize that ISIS has nothing on these drug cartels. 1. 9/10, be careful. Same I watched gore when I was 12 but funky town was the worst gore. Most recent first (default) Most replies first. 1k views. Guess what, I just rubbed one out to this. Most messed up 2 “Funkytown” #gore #liveleak #cartel #torture. Top Songs By xixal xd. ‘Funky Town Gore video‘ is the new material that’s trending social networks and is about the torture suffered by a man at the hands of a human mexican cartel in 2016. comEl v. In the footage of the Funky Town Football Gore video, as internet sources claim, the group first played the song ‘Funky Town’ and then executed the man in the worst way possible. It's a drug cartel torture video. Read Article. Your query will be matched against video names or descriptions, channel names. Legal. They all started doing it after Los Zetas started it. Funkytown gore video. Funkytown Gore 562K views Atomic. 2:51. 7K Comments. I didn't really feel anything with the others though. Most versions start after that. Cookie Manager. Human bodies ravaged by the war in Afghanistan. Published 11 months ago • 19K views. Torture and executions of suspected rivals and suspected informants took place until January 2004. I believe watching your child die would be worse than any physical torture could ever be. . Fun - Can Death Be Funny? 04 Ronnie McNutt commits suicide on livestream - BestGore. Play. Name music: 0:00 DJ Toys - Put Your Hands Up. Watch real death videos, live murders and gory snuff films on USA CRIME. There seems to be no buttons I can see where you could click and search for specific videos. NSFW. Retweets. However, he. WARNING: Extreme graphic violence. El Chapo’s Sinaloa cartel Beheadings of Felix Gamez Garcia & Barnabas Gamez Castro by chainsaw. 5 1 SHARE DOWNLOAD. Most #funkytowngore of the time these victims steal drugs or money from them but they 👇Never seen funkytown gore or any other of the most fucked up torture videos as i just think ita disgusting from what over people write about these videos. I watched all of them and tbh the worst one I ever saw that mentally f me up was when cctv of a guy in a bar knock a guy out , then went around and broke each limb while the man lay unconscious. 1 year ago. by psuznc12. . . 3 005 10 1. . 1:21. Autor 𝔇𝔬𝔪𝔦𝔫𝔲𝔰_. most notably/ironically funkytown. It's all about 2 minutes long and the song Funkytown by Lipps Inc. However, try as I must, I literally can't find any context behind this. instagram: @ xixal. Language Spanish. What makes Funkytown special is that how prolonged the torture is. could someone explain to me what it is, what happens in it, and why it's significant? and not the song featured in the hit motion picture, Shrek 2😛😘. This was the worst cartel video and I hope it doesn’t happend again and when I watched funkytown gore I was shocked and speechlessThey (whatever criminal group/ cartel made Funkytown) provably used the house as a safe/ torture house. Published 10 months ago • 6. Votes: 7,717. i had a habit of binging on gore videos when i was depressed. 2:28 Lipps Inc. produced by: SMEbeats. HD 00:22. 1. Cartel, Murder, Torture, WTF. It’s almost certain that the Funkytown guy was feeling every little scratch happening to him. The Story Of La Güera Loca (The Crazy Blonde) |. PeerTube JavaScript required. 1. Stop reading here if you are squeamish. WARNING: This video con. Published 1 year ago • 13K views. Cartel. Gunmen from a narco-terrorist cartel burned off the face of a rival and recorded the man’s agony as he begged for death. ago. _. Home » Blog » Woman being beaten as punishment in the Brazil slum for not following community rules. Likes. The footage shows a masked man. 916. (all rights to lipps inc) also since no longer publicly available th. Funky Town GoreWhat is the most horrifying and disturbing video on the internet? - Quora. 916 327. Watch a woman being beaten as punishment in the Brazil slum for not following community rules. In this category are the videos related to the . 6 years is a really long rime to survive being in that part of the cartel's operations now. Reality is scarier than fiction. Trang chủ. FUNKYTOWN GORE | THE WORST CARTEL VIDEO ON THE INTERNET #death A horrifying gore video #gore videos. Animal / Animal Attack / Cartel / Crime / Mutilation / Punishment / Pure Gore / Torture. I don't know, like i said it's fucked for sure. Reply. Funky-Town is just super mysterious!Reality is scarier than fiction. This video was first published in 2018. very late response but basically what you do for any sub is you put the sub name in so in this case r/NSFL then quite simply put funky town after it. I'm trying to see if there's a full length video to Funky Town Gore that shows what the cartel members do before the start of the official video that most people have seen, if it even exists though which I don't know if it does. The guy's hands have been cut off, he still has to be physically restrained by some other guys, and every. Music: by @CO. Watch many gore videos that will make you doubt the human being as a species. Chopping up the bodies of two gang men. 00:05:48 - Funky Town Gore - The Worst Cartel Video On The Internet - I Watched It So You Don't Have To. . Yeah. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright. It's a cartel torture video, if you haven't watched horrific gore before then don't start with this one. business inquiries: [email protected]. This is Ukrainian nazis exploiting russian speaking ukrainians. I. 48,130 views. The man was shot in the head. After you watch the videos of all the people in your trade dying from just doing the job, the videos of the torture don't do as much. ene723 • 5 yr. Create playlist.